Monday 16 September 2013

How the rain drop drops....

I have always been intrigued by the movements of water. Water seems so delightful when you hear the sounds of it dripping and flopping into a puddle of more water. It has that high, sweet and calming noise as it bounces and ripples. In these few photos taken one rainy day, I tried my best to capture a nice drop of rain drop ( very repetitive ). I set my camera's aperture to its widest at 2.0, ISO at 100 and Shutter speed at 4000 fps. I believe it might actually be too dark but I don't have time to enhance the images because my computer doesn't have an editing software at this present time. Also, I could not get a nice close up macro shot because I didn't want to get my lenses wet from the splashes. A lazy move but anyway.., here we are.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Venting Out! : Releasing a few Photos

I have been negelecting this blog and so it has not grown. Just like a plant deprived of water, the plant will not grow, bear fruits or flowers. So now, I am just dumping a few photos kept in my camera in an attempt to add a few drops of fertilizer to my soil. Please excuse my sayings if they do not make sense because most likely I don't understand either. Here are a few delayed uploads. I will revisit and add the specs next time I am online, as for now, enjoy!

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Urban Remains

"An Old Film Poster" by Laurence Nacario
" Rusted Cage door Hinge" by Laurence Nacario
"Half torn film poster" by Laurence Nacario

Nature ( A Dying vine)

" A Dying Vine" by Laurence Nacario

Lifeline ( Story of the clothesline pegs)

Red: "Everybody march!"

Red: " Keep your balance you fools!"

Red: "Stop shaking the line...I'm gonna fall"

Red: " It was you goofin around aye son"   Green: " Yup"


Saturday 9 March 2013

Depth of field exercise 1

"Succulent Desert" by Laurence Nacario - Canon EOS M, ISO 100, Shutter 1/1000, F-stop 2.0, 55mm lens.

"Succulent Desert" by Laurence Nacario - Canon EOS M, ISO 100, Shutter 1/1000, F-stop 2.0, 55mm lens.
Try experimenting with pulling focus to background,foreground or middle ground and see the differences.
Especially fun when looking at smaller objects like my miniature succulent garden. Enjoy!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

" Adding depth and dimensions"

"The ball is dropped" by Laurence Nacario- Canon EOS M, ISO 800, Shutter 1/40, F- stop 2.0, Grayscale.

" Rock...Paper...Sand?" by Laurence Nacario - Canon EOS M, ISO 100, Shutter 1/800, F- stop 4.0, "Cloudy".
One thing I have noticed about having a nice focus/blurring effect is that the subject you are focusing on DEMANDS attention. It literally stands out because you directed it to do so. I also like to call it "3D" looking. If you watch the old 3D movies with the red and cyan glasses you may realize that the focus is on the object "popping out of screen". I believe having a strong focus on a subject while blurring/flattening the background, gives it a 3D like quality. It is also a good technique to use for isolating or separating objects. For example, the rock photo above is separated from the sea shells behind it because it is in focus or it is within the lens's depth of field.